Registration Steps for Edmonds Evergreen Pathfinder Club
Registration Steps for Edmonds Evergreen Pathfinder Club
Complete Online Form
Complete the registration form below to register your Pathfinder. This registration will need to be renewed each year your child is a member of our club. The registration form includes contact info so we can keep you and your Pathfinder informed, health record information and emergency contact info, uniform info, and the ability for you to indicate interest in side activities related to Pathfindering such as Drill Team and Pathfinder Bible Experience.
The Deadline for 2023-2024 registration is September 5, 2023.
Pay Dues
Club dues are $10 per month per Pathfinder. These dues mainly cover the cost of honor patches and club instructional materials. We offer a multi-Pathfinder discount for families with multiple Pathfinders in the club.
Dues can be mailed to Edmonds Adventist Church with "Pathfinder Dues" in the memo, or they can be handed in at Registration (if paying for the full year at once) or at the first Pathfinder meeting of each month (if paying monthly).
Attend Orientation
Registration Night is the first official Pathfinder activity of the year. This is an event for families to meet each other and the club staff, learn about club policies, and finalize registration. Pathfinders recieve their field and dress uniform components at Registration if they pre-ordered, or families can order at Orientation if they didn't pre-order. Pathfinders also get assigned to units and learn about the club's theme for the year.
Registration Night for 2023-2024 is September 5 from 6:30-8:30pm
Recieve Uniform
The first year a Pathfinder is in the club, there will be additional setup costs to purchase uniforms for your Pathfinder (field uniform, dress uniform, sash, etc.). We recommend that families rent their Pathfinder's dress uniform shirt for $10 per year, rather than buying a dress shirt. This is cheaper than buying a new shirt each time your Pathfinder grows. We are not able to rent field uniform shirts.
We recommend using the form below to order uniform components prior to Registration Night for the upcoming year.
Pathfinder Registration Form
Uniform Order Form