Registration Steps for Pinecones Adventurer Club

Complete Online Application

Complete the registration form below to register your Adventurer. This registration will need to be renewed each year your child is a member of our club. The registration form includes contact info (so we can keep your family informed about club activities), health record information and emergency contact info, and uniform info.

The Deadline for 2023-2024 registration is August 31, 2023.

Pay Dues

Club dues are $10 per month per Adventurer. These dues mainly cover the cost of honor patches and club instructional materials. We offer a multi-Adventurer discount for families with multiple Adventurers in the club.


Dues can be mailed to Edmonds Adventist Church with "Adventurer Dues" in the memo, or they can be handed in at Orientation (if paying for the full year at once) or at the first Adventurer meeting of each month (if paying monthly). 

Attend Registration Night

Registration Night is the first official club activity of the year. This is an event for families to meet each other and the club staff, learn about club policies, and finalize registration. Adventurers recieve their field and dress uniform components  if they pre-ordered, or families can order at Orientation if they didn't pre-order. This year we are offering snacks, tie-dye, and other fun activities for kids at Registration Night, August 19, 2023 from 1-4pm

Receive Uniform

The first year an Adventurer is in the club, there will be additional setup costs to purchase uniforms for your Adventurer (field uniform, dress uniform, sash, etc.). 

We recommend using the form below to order uniform components prior to Orientation.

Adventurer Registration Form

Email is the club's default communication method and event/activity info will always be sent to the email you provide.

Adventurer Dietary Needs (in addition to any allergies listed above)

To help us care for your Adventurer, please describe any conditions which might impact your Adventurer's ability to participate in activities or cause your Adventurer distress, including but not limited to: bed wetting, asthma, contacts/glasses, developmental disabilities, epilepsy, fainting spells, heart trouble, and/or sleepwalking/sleep disorders.

My Adventurer has received all vaccines required to attend school in WA State.


Consent to Treat

I understand that the Pinecones Adventurer Club has a public website, slideshows, bulletin board, etc., and publishes photos of the club’s various activities and events. I am the parent or legal guardian of the above Adventurer(s) and give my consent for their images to be published on the Pinecones Adventurer Club website, and any other Adventurer-related publications, including, but not limited to, slideshows, other forms of media such as, online, digital, print, etc., not used for commercial purposes.

I understand that the Pinecones Adventurer Club has a public website, slideshows, bulletin board, etc., and publishes photos of the club’s various activities and events. I am over 18 years of age and I give permission for my image to be published on the Pinecones Adventurer Club website, and any other Adventurer-related publications, including, but not limited to, slideshows, other forms of media such as, online, digital, print, etc., not used for commercial purposes.

I understand that my Adventurer's application is not complete until my dues are recieved by the club and/or I've made financial arrangements with the club director. 

Uniform Order Form

Field Uniform Shirt (tee shirt with club logo)

If you marked that you need a field uniform shirt, please indicate the size below:

Dress Uniform Shirt (Short-sleeved light blue shirt with club, shield, and global Adventurer patches on the sleeves)

If you marked that you need a new dress uniform shirt, please indicate the size below: 

Navy Blue Jumper (Girls only)

If you marked that you need a jumper, please indicate the size below:

Adventurer Sash (Navy Blue sash worn across the body)

If you marked that you need a sash, please indicate the size below:

Adventurer Scarf (Burgundy scarf presented at Induction, unless purchasing a bigger size)

If you marked that you need a scarf, please indicate the size below:

Slide (White fabric slide with the Adventurer logo, holds scarf)
