7 Principles of Small Groups

We want to see God move in our community

1. Prayerfully consider who you would like to invite to join you in your small group. We suggest groups with a small group team of about four to six church members and the remainder of the group “spiritual seekers.” Encourage each of your small group team members to invite two spiritual seekers who are not church members to the small group. Before launching your group, it is best to spend time meeting with this small group leadership team and discussing the four “basics” of small groups: fellowship, sharing, prayer, and Bible study. Meeting with your leadership team, determine how often your group will meet (weekly, biweekly, or monthly). Determine how long you desire to meet—will you meet for three months, six months, a year? We recommend meeting weekly or at least biweekly for a minimum of six months. This provides enough time to establish meaningful relationships.

2. Invite participants to make a commitment to attend each small-group meeting. If people attend only occasionally, they will not only miss the blessing themselves but will fail to bond with the group and tend either to not be engaged in the discussions or dominate the discussions.


3. Encourage attendees to freely participate in the discussions. They may share their own experience with Jesus. As they share the challenges and joys they face in their spiritual journey, they will be spiritually enriched and will bless others.


4. Assign the group a specific small-group Bible study topic. Encourage group members to share how the Holy Spirit has impressed them with the topic during the week. Without a specific direction, your small group may easily degenerate into discussions without substance and will be difficult to sustain.

5. Invite each member of the group to bring specific prayer requests. Share them with the group. It's an opportunity to bond together as a spiritual family.


6. Instruct your group to respect others’ opinions and listen sensitively as others share. One of the things that kills small group discussions is if one person dominates the discussions or thinks they have the answers to every question any group member raises. Small groups are an opportunity to grow to together. They are designed to strengthen us on our spiritual journey through life. Dominant, dogmatic, inflexible people can easily destroy the spirit of warm fellowship in a small group.



7. As the group grows to a maximum of 12–15 regular attendees, consider dividing it. It may be difficult for the group to divide, especially when a group bonds and develops deep, meaningful relationships. However, we find it necessary to keep the group focused on its main purpose, that of reaching lost people for Jesus and multiplying your influence so that more and more people can become disciples of Christ.



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